Based in Jakarta, our team is always developing intelligent solutions for the Indonesian agriculture. These consist mainly of innovative, organic products that significantly increase the yield and quality of the products grown. Throughout the country, big cooperations as well as smallholder growers are confirming the success of our programs.
Leaf fertilizer
- Herbagreen Z20
- Herbagreen Classic
- Herbagreen Protect F
- Herbagreen fluisan
Other products
- Herbagreen Protect V (Virucide)
- Booster (Adjuvant)
- Humic Acid (Soil conditioner)
Crop Protection
- Ethephon 480 SL (ETHERCASH)
Sequa gGmbH- developPPP.de/BMZ - STEFES Indonesia
Update 1 - 10.01.2020
In the week from December 9th to December 13th, 2019, the first one-week training of our trainers began on the premises of the agricultural high school SMK Pertanian Pembangunan Negeri. Under the leadership of Mr. Nesensohn and Mr. Asmariady, the 10 trainers were given knowledge in the following areas:
- Indonesian agriculture
- International agriculture
- Soil chemistry - Basics
- Soil physics - Basics
- Soil biology - Basics
- Plant production - Morphology - Basics
- Plant nutrition - Physiology - Basics
- Plant protection - Basics
- Conventional farming - Basics
- Integrated farming - Basics
- Organic farming - Basics
- Trial planning - Basics
- Trial execution - Basics
- Trial evaluation - Basics
- Knowledge of demoplots - Basics
The lectures were accompanied by a lively question and answer session at the end of each presentation.
Further one-week trainings have been postponed due to the coraonavirus crisis. We will inform you here as soon as there is more information available.
Sequa gGmbH - developPPP.de/BMZ - STEFES Indonesia
Update 2 - 05.03.2020
In February, preparations started on 10 demo fields in the Bandung region. After the contracts were signed with the farmers, our colleagues started taking soil samples to assess which field and which fruit or crop is best suited. Then plans were drawn up which exactly determine which inputs are used when and where. In our next update (April 2020) on this topic, we will be able to report on plantings and use of input means.
Sequa gGmbH - developPPP.de/BMZ - STEFES Indonesia
Update 3 - 22.04.2020

After the preparations on the test fields were completed, the planting started. 10 crops on 10 demoplots:
Potatoes - Cauliflowers - Beef tomatoes - Baby beans - Tomatoes - Shallots - Chili - Cabbage - Spinach - Paprika (peppers)
One half of the test fields is cultivated conventionally and the other half according to the rules of integrated pest control. Extensive documentation accompanies the use of inputs, the growth of the plants and ultimately the yield of the harvests.
Sequa gGmbH - developPPP.de/BMZ - STEFES Indonesia
Update 4 - 22.07.2020

Due to the corona pandemic, it has not been possible to enter Indonesia since the end of March. Our training of the trainer 2, planned for the end of March, was therefore canceled. Until the end of June there were contact restrictions, which are now at least partially lifted and allowed us to hold the second training session via video conference.
The training took place from July 13th to July 18th., again in the training room of the agricultural high school SMK Pertanian Pembangunan Negeri. Our international chief agronomist Martin Nesensohn conducted the training from our office in Hamburg in a tried and tested manner. This, as before, in collaboration with our Indonesian chief agronomist Mr. Asmariady, who was on site in Lembang, Bandung - assisted by our colleague Nina Aulia Dhaulain.
After the basic training from Training 1, there was a short repetition before the topics of Training 1 were deepened. Particular attention was paid to the differences in conventional, integrated and organic crop cultivation. This also in preparation for training 3, which will consist of many practical elements.
Sequa gGmbH - developPPP.de/BMZ - STEFES Indonesia
Update 5 - 14.08.2020

On August 12 and 13 a meeting took place in Lembang under the leadership of our local chief agronomist Mr. Asmariady. First of all, it was a matter of discussing the results of the first 3 demo fields, as some of our guidelines were not always followed. Here Mr. Asmariady showed what could have gone better. After that was clarified, collected data from the other 7 test fields were discussed. The processing of the results is now ongoing and we believe that all reports will be available in September. The trainers were then given some more practical guidelines regarding organic farming.
In the second part of the meeting, it was discussed how the training courses for the 1000 farmers can be prepared. This includes modules such as training in theory and practice as well as the monitoring and assessment of the test fields - especially with regard to the use of our organic inputs.
Sequa gGmbH - developPPP.de/BMZ - STEFES Indonesia
Update 6 - 28.10.2020

Plantings on 10 different fields in the Bandung / Lembang region took place from February 2020 onwards. Preparatory work such as the general cultivation of the fields with the placing of the humus (compost) had already started earlier. Due to the different growing seasons and local conditions, the last harvest was in September. Extensive documentation was created for each field in order to create a precise evaluation.
We are largely satisfied with the results achieved. There were a few coordination and management problems that we expected due to the first implementation. Such a project is new territory, especially for the trainers and farmers - although they are of course familiar with the crops. The accuracy that such a project requires in all areas is a challenge, but one that all partners gladly accepted. We expect that the learning effects achieved will make the second planting round even better and that the results, in terms of the advantages of organic farming with STEFES products, will be easily recognizable for the smallholder farmers.
The reports can be seen here:
Sequa gGmbH - developPPP.de/BMZ - STEFES Indonesia
Update 7 - 17.11.2020

The Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) had authorised sequa gGmbH to carry out additional project measures within the framework of our existing project to contribute to reducing the health and economic consequences of the Covid-19-Pandemic.
In cooperation with us, sequa gGmbH made it possible to unbureaucratically deliver 1200 bottles of hand disinfectant to Bandung/Lembang. The BMZ assumed 100% of the costs of this delivery. At the same time, we donated 1200 respirator masks of type KN95.
Support for the population in terms of hygiene standards and resources is particularly important in rural areas. On November 17th, our team handed over the disinfectants and masks in a ceremony and provided training in their use. The trained participants pass on this knowledge to the farmers, their families as well as teachers and students of the SMK High School.
Sequa gGmbH - developPPP.de/BMZ - STEFES Indonesia
Update 8 - 05.03.2021

After the end of the first round of planting, harvesting and evaluation, the 10 test fields were planted with other crops by the farmers. This is common practice in agriculture, as two types of fruit should never be planted directly one after the other.
In the course of February, the fields were ready for our project again, i.e. the preparations for our second planting round could begin. These will go on until the end of March, until the time when the third training session for the trainers can take place in Bandung (Lembang).
Overall, the last few months have not been easy. With Covid-19 measures in place, travel and contacts have been subject to severe restrictions. This will also be the case for the next few months.
Sequa gGmbH - developPPP.de/BMZ - STEFES Indonesia
Update 9 - 05.04.2021

The third training could finally take place - this time from March 29th to April 1st, 2021 - again in the training room of the agricultural college SMK Pertanian Pembangunan Negeri. On the first two days, the basics were repeated, but combined with practical elements on the demonstration fields that are currently being planted. All of this under the direction of Mr. Asmariady. On days 3 and 4, Mr. Nesensohn from Germany was connected via video and gave an in-depth presentation on the results from planting round 1. In particular, it was important to learn from experience and to discuss optimizations for round 2. As always, there was a lively round of questions and answers at the end. We are planning the final training Mid May - with the participation of Mr. Nesensohn on site in Lembang.
Sequa gGmbH - developPPP.de/BMZ - STEFES Indonesia
Update 10 - 14.04.2021

After the preparations on the test fields were completed, the planting started. 10 crops on 10 demoplots:
Potatoes - Cauliflowers - Beef tomatoes - Baby beans - Tomatoes - Shallots - Chili - Cabbage - Spinach - Paprika (peppers)
The test fields have been separated for conventional, integrated and organic cultivation. Extensive documentation accompanies the use of inputs, the growth of the plants and ultimately the yield of the harvests.
Sequa gGmbH - developPPP.de/BMZ - STEFES Indonesia
Update 11 - 24.06.2021

From 14.06.-18.06. the fourth and last training of the trainers took place. Mr. Nesensohn was on site as scheduled and led the training - supported by our new Indonesian agronomist Mr. Riyadi Purwoko. The clear focus this time - as planned - was the training on the demo fields where the crops are currently growing. The first day was a short refresher as usual in the training room, combined with a discussion on the measures to be taken on the fields, not only during the training week, but also for the coming weeks and months when our trainers will start training the smallholder farmers. During the 3 days on the fields, the theoretically acquired knowledge was deepened in a practical way and a wide variety of crop-specific problems and solutions were dealt with. The way to organically cultivate the fields was taught in a practical way for all trainers. On day 5, a big summary was drawn, with the trainers and our agronomists expressing great satisfaction with the cooperation. Important tips were given to the trainers and documents were made available for the preparation and implementation of the smallholder trainings.
For the first time, students from our partner - the Agricultural High School SMK Pertanian Pembangunan Negeri - also took part in our events. Here, first of all, 4 students who were given a 4-week internship by STEFES Indonesia. We will report on further student activities shortly.
Sequa gGmbH - developPPP.de/BMZ - STEFES Indonesia
Update 12 - 30.06.2021

Now that the demo plots of the second round are in the planting or growing phase, Mr. Nesensohn was on site and Mr. Purwoko has taken over the local project management, it was the right time to start with the student activities. 4 students from the agricultural college are doing a 4-week internship together with and at STEFES Indonesia. Not in one go, but whenever and wherever something exciting and new - in the field of organic agriculture and commodity supply - arises for the agricultural students. The students participated in the "Training of the Trainer 4" and showed great interest. More activities with this group will follow in the coming weeks.
Furthermore, there are two more student groups/activities in the sequa project that will also start soon. We will report on these as soon as they have started.
Sequa gGmbH - developPPP.de/BMZ - STEFES Indonesia
Update 13 - 11.10.2021

In September, the first farmer trainings could start and therefore we immediately organised the student excursions. In 5 groups of 20 students + teacher, the students took part in theoretical lectures on one day each. Afterwards, they always went to the demo plots where our trials are currently running. Knowledge about integrated and organic agriculture was imparted in a practical way. Again and again, the students got involved and asked questions and took copious notes.
Sequa gGmbH - developPPP.de/BMZ - STEFES Indonesia
Update 15 - 05.11.2021

Together with the students of the internship, the students who wrote the two theses also came to Jakarta. The task was to write two papers on topics relevant to the project. This was tackled by 2 teams from the agricultural highschool and completed over a period of almost 5 months. Due to COVID19, there were small hurdles here and there, but they did not have a big impact on the result.
Title 1: Organic agricultural systems in green coronet cabbage cultivation
Here, the students cultivated their own field and, using our seminar and training materials, carried out the cultivation with our organic means.
Title 2: Regulation and certification flow of organic cultivation
Here we detailed the steps necessary for a smallholder farmer to get his fields certified for organic farming. This work is helpful for us to work in other regions of Indonesia after the project is finished.
Both papers were written in Indonesian and English.
Sequa gGmbH - developPPP.de/BMZ - STEFES Indonesia
Update 16 - 05.11.2021

Part of the internship is to familiarise the students with the activities of STEFES GmbH (worldwide) and PT STEFES Indonesia (local). We first introduced the international connections and then specifically explained the flow of goods to the port of Jakarta. We continued with information on product registration, logistics/import, warehouse management, sales to different levels of trade customers, logistics/distribution and finance. After each topic, the students had the opportunity to ask questions. A lot of use was made of this. Overall, an informative event for the students and teachers. We enjoyed imparting knowledge.
Sequa gGmbH - developPPP.de/BMZ - STEFES Indonesia
Update 17 - 07.03.2022

On 02.03.2022, our closing event took place on the grounds of the highschool. Here we had the opportunity to present the very good results of the project. Present were our partners in this project, representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture West Java as well as national press (agriculture) and reporters of a TV station.
"Moving pictures" can be seen here: https://youtu.be/saPAK4lEhv8