Here you can find our > product catalogue 2025 for Germany.


In particular for large crops like grain, oilseed rape, maize, sugar beet and potatoes we offer to the the professional grower various products to control weeds, disease and pests. Please see here products that we have registered in Germany (data sheets in German language). We hold registrations in many other countries and for more details, please get in touch with us.


Fruit flies are common pests in home gardens and commercial agriculture and are responsible for the loss of a wide range of fruit and vegetables across the country each year.


Female fruit flies are attracted to ripening fruit, berries, or susceptible vegetables to lay their eggs. It is important to begin fruit fly control early in the season when fruit is at the ‘hard-green’ stage, around the size of a walnut. In the home garden situation, this is especially important because there is usually a wide range of different fruit and vegetables available from early spring in which fruit flies can breed and establish for the summer. If control is not started early, populations will grow and cause problems later in the season.

Our solution: Fruition® Garden Fruit Fly Traps are specifically designed to attract and trap a wide range of pest fruit flies in the home garden using a unique, patented combination of trap shape, colour and harmless and natural attractant lures.

So: No use of chemicals in your environment


Fruition Garden Fruit Fly Traps last for up to 12 weeks. However, traps should be replaced earlier if the sticky surfaces are covered by fruit flies or foreign objects, or the sachets are empty or  the trap itself is damaged. It is essential to start trapping early and well before the crop ripens.


For further details, see here